At Hagerman ABOGADOS S.C. we have ample experience in providing legal advice and representation services regarding resolution or submission of all kinds of litigation procedures before both local and federal administrative and jurisdictional authorities.

We also have a solid background in the filing and/or prosecution of writs of amparo in administrative matters whether our clients are involved as the plaintiff or as the interested third party.

Likewise, throughout our years of practice we've advised and represented our clients in filing and attending alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as mediation and arbitration.

At Hagerman ABOGADOS S.C. we have had the chance to represent transnational companies resolve jurisdictional proceedings of more than US$400 million where we've had conclusive victories in record time.


T. (5255) 5596.4930
F. (5255) 5596.2120
Jaime Balmes 11, Torre A-M2
Miguel Hidalgo
Mexico City 11550
Hagerman ABOGADOS S.C. ®2013

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